Here is all you need to know about HIV/AIDS.

What is HIV?

Human Immunodeficiency Virus, also known as HIV, is a virus that attacks the immune system, particularly white blood cells called T-helper cells, specifically a subset of T-cells called CD4 cells. These cells normally protect you from infection-causing microorganisms, such as viruses, fungi and bacteria. When one is infected with HIV, these cells are killed off and the virus rapidly creates new copies of itself, leaving you unable to fight off germs and vulnerable to a variety of illnesses and opportunistic infections, thus making it harder or impossible for the body to fight infections and cancers.


Who is affected by HIV?

First identified in around 1986, HIV has two subtypes, HIV-1 and HIV-2. Infection with either has no racial, age, or geographical predilection and there are reported cases in nearly every country. About 38 million people are living with HIV around the world today with 1.8 million being newly infected in 2018, and over two-thirds of them live in Africa.

In 2018, 770 000 people died from HIV-related causes globally according to the World Health Organisation with 1.7 million new infections. HIV is commonest in the following groups:

  • Sex workers and their clients;
  • Men who have sex with men;
  • People who inject drugs;
  • People in prisons;
  • Transgender people


What is AIDS?

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is the final stage of HIV infection. It can take years for someone who is infected with HIV to reach this stage, even without treatment. When someone has a very low number of CD4 cells (less than 200 per cubic millimetre), has had one or more specific infections or certain cancers, that person is considered to have AIDS. Healthy adults have between 500 to 15000 CD4 cells per cubic millimetre.


How is HIV transmitted?

The virus is present in semen, blood, breast milk and vaginal as well as anal fluids. It is commonly transmitted through:

  • unprotected vaginal or anal sexwith an infected partner. This is responsible for a large majority of cases. It can also be transmitted via oral sex.
  • blood and blood products transfusions,
  • sharing needles and other equipment among drug users,
  • organ transplantation,
  • infected needle-stick injuries to healthcare workers,
  • or from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery or breast-feeding.

HIV cannot be spread by ordinary day-to-day contacts such as kissing, hugging, shaking hands, or sharing personal objects, food or water.


What are the Symptoms of HIV?

Within 3 to 6 weeks of infection with HIV, more than 50 per cent of individuals experience some symptoms. Here, the body reacts to the killing of CD4 cells and the spread of HIV copies leading to the symptoms seen which may include the following:

  • Rashes or sores on the skin
  • Fevers
  • Lethargy
  • Malaise
  • Muscle pain and weakness
  • Night sweats
  • Diarrhoea
  • Yeast infections
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Weight loss
  • Swollen lymph nodes
For some, this initial phase does not lead to any symptoms. Generally, people living with HIV are most infectious in this early stage and can easily transmit the virus to others. After this initial phase, the symptoms tend to disappear, signalling that the virus has now been established in the body and able to replicate and spread uninhibited. This is the second stage of infection.

HIV silently develops over 5 to 10 years, killing off and impairing CD4 cells, leading to the development of a state of little or no immunity (called AIDS -acquired immune deficiency syndrome). At this stage, a barrage of diseases caused by viruses and opportunistic infections (AIDS-defining illnesses) may result, causing varying symptoms and complications in different systems affected, as well as cancer

How Can I Protect Myself from Contracting HIV?

The following tips are necessary for protecting yourself from HIV

  1. Abstain from sex. If you are sexually active, use condoms for penetrative sexual acts and dental dams for oral sex.
  2. Get tested for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
  3. Be faithful to your HIV-negative partner who is equally faithful.
  4. Treat sexual infections as soon as you notice symptoms
  5. Do not share sharp objects, like razor blades or injections.
How is HIV treated?

Specific medications designed to slow or halt the spread of HIV within the cells in the body via different mechanisms have been designed. These drugs work in different ways and are often combined (three or more medications) to keep the viral load (amount of HIV cells in the body) to a minimum. These medications (called Anti-Retroviral or ART) also among of it are very Effective and strong immune booster  called pure and broken ganodema medication which as also helps  millions  people living with HIV live normal lives.

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  1.100% shell broken hence easier to absorb and 45% easier to absorb
  2. Improve physical health
  3. Boost the immune system
  4 Reduce side effects from chemotherapy e.g. hair loss
  5. Raise appetite
  6. Improve blood circulation to the colony artery
  7. Prevent atherosclerosis and heart problems
  8. Balance blood sugar level
  9. Cure neural system problems
  10. Endocrine system
  11. Respiratory system
  12. Locomotory (White blood cell multiplication) 13 Anti - tumor
  14. Improve skin conditions
  15. Good for allergy due to lanostan which blocks histamme
  16. Anti- inflammatory
  17. Protects the liver and normalize the liver
  18. Strong ant-viral, anti- parasite,
  19. Strong anti-viral, anti-parasite, anti-fungal and anti- bacterial
  20. Lowers blood pressure
  21. Lowers blood sugar
  22. Strong anti-oxidant
  23. Fights insomnia
  24. Good for fatigue
  25 Enhance metabolism
  26. Raises CD4 counts in the blood thus very good for HIV/AIDS
  27. Anti-diabetics
  28. Clears blood clots
  29. Detoxifies the blood
  30. It is analgesic relieves pain
  31. Reactivates body energy and prolong healthy life
  32. Good for chJonic ulcers
  33. Vomiting
  34. Good for any Anti-immune Disease e.g. Psoriasis
  35. Good for Anemia
  36. Suitable for any chronic condition


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  1. Boosts Immunity System

  2. Promotes self healing.

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  4. Reduces arousal and thus improve mental alertness.

  5. Prolongs sleeping time.

  6. Prevents allergy due to lanostan which blocks histamine.

  7. Prevents virus infection. Good for HIV and influenza.

  8. Prevents formation of blood clots.

  9. Reduces uric acid.

  10. Prevents viral infection of the liver (Hepatitis).

  11. Good for kidney problems.

  12. Strengthens the digestive system.

  13. Strengthens the heart muscles.

  14. Good for skin conditions such as Psoriasis, acne, etc

  15. Stimulates the bone marrow to produce new blood cells.

  16. Improves sinusitis.

  17. Good for hormonal imbalance.

  18. Good for respiratory problems .e.g. pneumonia. 


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Knowledge is power! Well done for reading up to this point. The most important step however begins now because information is only of value if you act on it. I look forward to hear Our HIV Care Pack success story from you. Start fortifying your prostate gland and it will reward you with sound health.

Sincerely Yours
Men's Health Researcher

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