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Just Discovered! An Awesome, Highly Effective, Proven, Tested and Trusted 100% Treatment For EPILEPSY, CONVULSION AND ALL SEIZURE RELATED AILMENTS

Taking a drastic step with the information you are about getting today will Help You Completely Cure EPILEPSY & SEIZURE and Restore your Health completely.
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I met One of my primary school friend whose mother has been battling with this silent killer disease in an health organization. He said the mother was in coma that she had seizure and slumped two days ago and that she was yet to be conscious. He said the health practitioner were doing their best to ensure she regains her consciousness.Fortunately, after  the third day she became conscious, but the seizures and the loss of awareness kept reoccuring.  She was given things that could help reduce the pressure  but the woman was sceptical in taking them as she had been on the usage for about twenty years and there is no much difference. I  spoke to this friend of mine on how a particular natural products has helped my neighbor. My neighbor was suffering from this similar health challenge for many years and after being introduced to this amazing products, she has regained her sound health.  so, I encouraged him to let his mother give it a try.  Without hesitation, he quickly got the products for the mum and the woman started taking them.To our greatest surprise, my friend called me after about 4 months and told me the reoccuring seizures and convulsions, embarrasing slumps and the irrational behaviours that the mother had has stopped. The mother has also been sleeping well since she started taking these amazing natural  products. And  that she was not having some funny feelings she used to have. She went back to health center for check up, it was confirmed her epilepsy had stopped.Today she had regained her excellent health. She could do all that she could not do before. She and her family are now living in peace of mind.

Hence, If you are currently struggling with how to Cure Epilepsy or Seizures, Worry a little, You are not the Only one, Below is a Report from the World Health Organization WHO;

Epilepsy accounts for a significant proportion of the world’s disease burden, affecting around 50 million people worldwide. The estimated proportion of the general population with active epilepsy (i.e. continuing seizures or with the need for treatment) at a given time is between 4 and 10 per 1000 people.

Globally, an estimated five million people are diagnosed with epilepsy each year

Epilepsy is a central nervous system (neurological) disorder in which brain activity becomes abnormal, causing seizures or periods of unusual behavior, sensations, and sometimes loss of awareness & falling.


Causes could be and not limited to:
Genetic influence
Head trauma
Brain conditions.
Brain conditions that cause damage to the brain, such as brain tumors or strokes, can cause epilepsy.
Infectious diseases, such as meningitis, AIDS and viral encephalitis, can cause epilepsy.
Prenatal injury – Injury before or during birth.
Developmental disorders – Epilepsy can sometimes be associated with developmental disorders, such as Autism and Neurofibromatosis.

300 million people world wide have Epilepsy, most (two third) living in low and middle income countries.2015, 1 in 4 men and 1 in 5 women had hypertension.1 in 5 people with Epilepsy have the problem under control.
Epilepsy happens to be one of the major cause of premature death worldwide.One of the global targets is to reduce the prevalence of epilepsy by 25% in the year 2025.

These are some Dangers of Epilepsy:

  • Head injuries, which could result into permanent brain damage.
  • Stroke and other cerebovascular diseases.
  • Dementia.
  • Brain infections.
  • Embarrassing Seizures.

At this point, let me introduce you to the Natural Epilepsy Solution that worked for my friend’s mum that helped her stop her reoccuring seizures and embarrasing slumps permanently in 3months without any side effects at all.

Prof. Dr. Alex Taylor, A Qualified Medical Practitioner and Neurologist.

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“…Epilepsy/Seizure is one of the leading cause of Death in Africa and world at large, and one of the Disease with the highest mortality rate Worldwide. While some Symptoms may differ between various people, It is important to get Medications as soon as possible. For the past 3years, I have been recommending ( 1 month treatment, 2months treatment, 3 month treatment) to all my patients to help cure their EPILEPSY & SEIZURES. It helps repair the damaged Brain Cells and helps unclog the blocked arteries of the body”


I want you to be one of the few who knows

how to get rid of Epilepsy, Seizures & Convulsions.

Here is the powerful Epilepsy & Seizure Medication I’ve been talking about.




Benefits Epilepsy & Seizure patients in 3 ways:

1. By controlling the Seizures and reducing the pressure in the brain caused by excess fluid

2. By opening up the Central Nervous System and by changing the levels of chemicals in your brain, thereby putting a stop to the Reoccurring Seizures.

3.Help to prevent brain dysfunctions, such as headache, memory loss and Alzheimer's Disease.


Ginkgo biloba extract may increase blood flow to the brain by inhibiting blood platelet aggregation and by regulating blood vessel elasticity. It has been shown to improve blood flow through both major blood vessels and capillaries. Ginkgo Biloba is also a powerful antioxidant.

  • Promotes oxygen delivery to brain cell
  • Enhances blood circulation in brain blood vessels
  • Helps reduce memory loss brought about by aging
  • improves brain cell metabolism
  • Enhance nutrients deliver to brain
  • Relax coronary artery & improve blood flow to heart
  • Decreasing cholesterol & improve blood flow to heart
  • Decreasing cholesterol & balanced blood lipid

Other works of CEREBRAIN CAPSULES includes:

  • It is a Power Source Of The Brain, Thereby it fights against Nerve And Brain Diseases
  • It acts as an Anti-Convulsants.
  • Helps circulate blood to extremities thereby taking care of Numbness in the affected part of the brain.
  • CEREBRAIN CAPSULES helps to repair the damaged nerve cells
  • CEREBRAIN CAPSULES Is The Best Treatment To Cure Epilepsy, Seizures And Convulsions


Health Benefits of ConstiRelax Prebiotics

1. Regulates the function of Microcirculation, edema, Lymphatic function and capillary filtration,

fragility and permeability.
2. Reduce capillary permeability and capillary resistance
3. Alleviate the acute hemorrhoids symptoms (Swelling, bleeding) and reduces seizure frequency
4. Relieve pain heavy legs, swelling and spasms
5. Extend the norepinephrine - induced venus contraction time to increase various tension.
6. Reduce adhesion and migration of the leukocyte and endothelial cell, decrease capillary
permeability ami reduce release of the inflammatory substances such as histamine, bradykinin.
7. Complement lenkotrienes and prostaglandins involved in allergic reaction
8. Reduce blood viscosity and improve blood circulation to prevent microcirculation stasis.
9. Improve the lymph circulation, speed up the return of tissue fluid and reduce swelling.
10. Reduce pain symptoms of hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
11. Increase venous tension, control1 the release of inflammatory substance improve blood
circulation and reduces swelling, bleeding and pain
12. Good for strengthening bones and teeth and cartilages hence good for osteoporosis/rickets
and whenever an increased supply of mineral salts is required.
13. Very effective in dissolving and eliminating die uric acid deposits within the joints that cause

So if you start using the LIVE PURE DAILY BUILD capsules today, you could be Epilepsy free in less than 70 days.





  1.100% shell broken hence easier to absorb and 45% easier to absorb
  2. Improve physical health
  3. Boost the immune system
  4 Reduce side effects from chemotherapy e.g. hair loss
  5. Raise appetite
  6. Improve blood circulation to the colony artery
  7. Prevent atherosclerosis and heart problems
  8. Balance blood sugar level
  9. Cure neural system problems
  10. Endocrine system
  11. Respiratory system
  12. Locomotory (White blood cell multiplication) 13 Anti - tumor
  14. Improve skin conditions
  15. Good for allergy due to lanostan which blocks histamme
  16. Anti- inflammatory
  17. Protects the liver and normalize the liver
  18. Strong ant-viral, anti- parasite,
  19. Strong anti-viral, anti-parasite, anti-fungal and anti- bacterial
  20. Lowers blood pressure
  21. Lowers blood sugar
  22. Strong anti-oxidant
  23. Fights insomnia
  24. Good for fatigue
  25 Enhance metabolism
  26. Raises CD4 counts in the blood thus very good for HTV/AIDS
  27. Anti-diabetics
  28. Clears blood clots
  29. Detoxifies the blood
  30. It is analgesic relieves pain
  31. Reactivates body energy and prolong healthy life
  32. Good for chJonic ulcers
  33. Vomiting
  34. Good for any Anti-immune Disease e.g. Psoriasis
  35. Good for Anemia
  36. Suitable for any chronic condition


  • Your 1st Month with EPILEPSY/SEIZURE NATURAL THERAPY : A lot of people say they have more energy on the very first day. You’ll wake up feeling more refreshed and well rested than you have in years.
  • Your 2nd Month with EPILEPSY/SEIZURE NATURAL Therapy: A week from today, you’ll realize you’ve needed fewer sedatives. As you start into your second month with this solution, you’ll discover that it feels like there are more hours in the day, and you’re getting more done. The truth is, you’re so used to being exhausted all the time, that suddenly having energy feels fantastic. If you suffer from painful, tingling pain, you should notice that starting to disappear around the end of the second month.
  • Over the next couple months, as you finish the EPILEPSY/SEIZURE NATURAL THERAPY capsules, your brain and nervous system will kick back into gear, and your body will remember how to absorb hormones. Your blood will stay at a healthy, normal level. You’ll be able to stop taking shots and injections. You’ll be able to talk to your doctor, and see the surprised look on his face just like I saw on my doctor’s face when he saw my Epilepsy was gone.

 Reason why you need to consider this “EPILEPSY” Killer treatment.

  • This all-natural therapy does not have any side effect unlike the synthetic substances you are used to.
  • You don’t have to worry about Surgery, Sedatives or Embarrasment.
  • They offer effective and guaranteed solution.
  • The company behind these products are internationally recognised and well known Norland Products
  • The products work…Guaranteed
  • They are FDA Approved and Certified


One month pack @ 4,000kwacha

Two months pack @8000kwacha

NOTE: "EPILEPSY/SEIZURE PACK " is a marketing name only. Every single components mentioned above are packed inside the DELIVERY box and hence, if you do not see EPILEPSY/SEIZURE PACK  written on the pack, please don’t be afraid.

And the best part is that, just making use of this EPILEPSY/SEIZURE PACK  has helped a lot of people to get rid of their EPILEPSY.

Remember, I recommend you get minimum  2months package to naturally reverse and Treat your Epilepsy.

Remember, Your Problem Is Curable only if you take action NOW!

Use The Form Below To Place Your
Order Our agent will communicate
 with you to update you on the Delivery
 process in a day to your Delivery or

 on the Delivery date

Dr. Taylor’s study showed that within 60 days, every participant had repaired their damaged brain cells and Nerve Cells to almost normal forms, and reversed their disease. Around half reversed their Epilepsy at 40 days. The fastest recorded was 38 days. So depending on factors like your genetics, the severity of your disease, and how committed you are to the supplement, most people will destroy their Epilepsy in between 60 and 90 days.

Once received, your package would be transferred to our logistic company who will deliver your package to you

  • Is it scientifically proven?
  • Is it scientifically proven?

Absolutely, Each of the Capsules is based on research at Newcastle University in England, Harvard University here in the US, and dozens of other studies. There have been studies all over the world showing that these principles can reverse your Epilepsy.


Let me show you what people I’ve already helped have said about this EPILEPSY/SEIZURE NATURAL THERAPY

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“Your EPILEPSY/SEIZURE NATURAL THERAPY is simply the very best solution to my Epilepsy, and you had the science to back it up. I thought I’d be stuck with Epilepsy forever. But now I’ve been Epilepsy free almost 8 months.

My doctor was shocked when I told him that I hadn’t needed a checkup for weeks. He had to run a scan himself to believe it. Your medications even helped to repair my damaged brain cells and cure my Epilepsy in just 90 days of using it, Thank you so much Mr Bolaji.!”

Dr. Peter from VGC, Lagos


She said: “The EPILEPSY/SEIZURE NATURAL THERAPY saved my life! My Epilepsy was getting worse and worse. And it seemed like my previous Epilepsy medication wasn’t doing anything. My Embarrasment was the worst part, and also my neuropathy I always had a painful tingling in my hands, and in my some part of my brain – it made everyday life so difficult! I knew I had to make a change. That’s when I found these EPILEPSY/SEIZURE NATURAL THERAPY I followed the dosage, and all of a sudden my Seizure disappeared, and I had the energy I needed again. I went back to my doctor a few weeks later, and he was shocked at how healthy I was. This is definitely the best treatment for Epilepsy and seizure.

Charlotte in kenya


“I’ve had Epilepsy for years. I was constantly worried about my health and how i couldn’t go out whenever i want because of fear and shame that i could go into seizure and slump anytime. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get my Epilepsy under control. I felt trapped, and I felt like a burden on my family. But then I used the EPILEPSY/SEIZURE NATURAL THERAPY to reverse my Epilepsy, and now my family can barely keep up with me. I’m walking again, atTending parties and doing the things I love. Your supplements gave me a life back. Thank you for saving my life!”

Kelly in Sacramento, California 

Now that you’ve seen how it worked for them, I want you to see what it’ll do for you.

Before I sign off, I really want you to think for a moment about your future and your family.

What will happen if you don’t make any changes? What will happen if you let your Epilepsy destroy your life? Every day, for the rest of your life, you’ll have to go through the annoyance and pain of not being able to go out whenever you want . You’ll try medicine after medicine, with no results except dangerous side effects, like nausea, weight gain, and heart disease. Not to mention all the vacations, new cars, and other luxuries you won’t be able to afford because you’re spending all your money on your Epilepsy medication.

Until the day you die, you’ll be a burden on your friends and family

But even that torture won’t be enough to stop the slow decay of your brain. Each day, you’ll have less energy. Each month, your body will get worse and worse.

No matter the amount of money that you spend, it cannot replace having a very good Health.

Remember the Ailment you face everyday and There’s No Price For Good Health

That is why you need to hurry and use these medication to Eliminate Epilepsy ONCE AND FOR ALL

Knowledge is power! Well done for reading up to this point. The most important step however begins now because information is only of value if you act on it. I look forward to hear Our epilepsy Care Pack success story from you. Start fortifying your prostate gland and it will reward you with sound health.

Sincerely Yours
Men's Health Researcher

It is better to ask question than to remain ignorant. Therefore, do you have any question to ask or an enquiry to make? If yes, get in touch with me through any of the routes below!

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