Are you sick and tired of the pain, discomfort and monumental torture of ulcer?

Stomach Ulcer Cure: This Solution Will Cure Your Stomach Ulcer Permanently

Have you ever rolled on the floor, holding your belly in pains in the middle of the night and feeling unconfortable, and just wish you could figure out how to do away with ulcer for good?
Has your ulcer resulted in any of the following conditions: gnawing or burning pain in the abdomen, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, bloating, weight loss?
Does the symptoms of your ulcer subside like it’s gone, only to come back in a bigger and more painful manner?
Let me share with you how I discovered what cured my stomach ulcer permanently
My name is Umoh Ekpo, 49yrs of age, I was diagnosed with ulcer in the year 1996 then as a young man in Akwa Ibom State, I had ulcer before I moved to Abuja in 2002 but before then, there was nothing I didn’t try call it western and local herbal drugs. Some of those drugs reduced the pain I was feeling but it didn’t last longer than 6months before the pain resurfaced , When I got to Abuja I visited different hospitals searching for permanent solution some Doctors gave me hope while some told me ulcer does not have cure that I should manage it like that till the day I die.  Only those suffering ulcer will understand the pains, sleepless nights, gnawing or burning pain in the abdomen, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, bloating, weight loss, headaches, diarrhoea or constipation, feeling sick, dizziness, rashes etc.

Sometimes it subsides, but becomes more painful later on; I was always open to suggestions from my Doctors and close friends who knew what I was passing through.
Below where natural remedies I tried
1 Honey
2 Garlic
3 Ripped bananas
4 Soaking unripe plantain
The above were the local remedy that worked for me but for a short period; I remember how I ate ripped banana that I almost turned to a monkey lol……
I spent so much money purchasing different kinds of drugs online and offline because I was desperate for cure, but did any work? NO. They didn’t, though some will start promising but never lasted 3months before the pains resurfaced.
During these years of my agony I learnt a lot,
If you are suffering from, or just think you may have stomach ulcer then you should get to know all the facts about stomach ulcers. This important information could save you from months of unnecessary stress and suffering, by putting you on the right track – right now!
This disease seems nonthreatening but if it is left unchecked for an extended period of time, it can lead to bleeding in your digestive system and even death.
Let me tell you how I discovered this wonder working treatment that has made me a happy man today, my jumping from one hospital to another made me friends and one of them was Dr Yusuf Ali who works in Primus hospital in karu site, Abuja.
It was one of those troubled days for me when I was going through a very serious pain, I met with Dr Ali, he was assigned to do some check up on me then we began conversing on how long I have had the ulcer, the kind of medication I have taken and if there have been an improvement since I took the medication. I opened up to him on how I have spent so much money but no lasting solution gotten yet.
There he told me something, before I met him I already met with over 50 doctors on same issue but they were not open as Dr Ali Maybe because he wasn’t a Nigerian, sad thing. He gave me one example; if one has malaria there would be symptoms like headache or fever right? I nodded my head yeah! He asked again, to make the headache and fever go away what is the best thing to do, take Panadol for the headache and fever to go away?
I answered him “No, best thing is to treat malaria then the fever and headache will vanish.
He went ahead to explain to me that pharmaceutical industries only promote drugs that will resolve symptoms to ulcer not the main cure to ulcer because they know once you are cure they would be out of business. That is why they keep feeding us with drugs that will stop the symptoms for sometimes not cure. He made me to understand that most doctors and pharmaceutical industries are after profit not really giving total cure so a patient will remain in their bondage as long as they want
Sadly I asked him, “are there really permanent cure for ulcer? He answered me yes. I said to myself so there is cure all these years but my doctors refused to opened up to me, tears ran down my cheeks. I summoned courage to continue the conversation, I asked him “Dr is it that the drug is too expensive or we cannot find it here in Nigeria?
He answered and said not really about it being expensive but those drugs are not popular, like he said earlier pharmaceutical industries only promote what will give them money continuously not what will cure people completely. He saw the sadness in my face and promised to help me but I must promise to keep it secret that no other ear should hear in that hospital.
I was shocked and WOW to hear that!
He further went on to say that the solution is being imported by his unit from China for some special patients, and been administered to top hospital in the USA, China, Canada and some African Countries having same issue, The sad thing is that it’s not common in the market.
He asked me to see him in a week time, I went back to meet with him as scheduled
He handed me a brown sealed envelope

These where his words,He said to me, Mr Umoh, This package came in yesterday because I had to order for it from china since I didn’t have access to the special packs here in this hospital, this is for you. Total cost plus shipping is $400 dollars, Do not open here, do it when you get home. He went ahead to say, I have written the prescriptions and duration you will have to take it for final healing.I busted out with questions;
Dr Ali you said $400? At then dollar was 200 naira per dollar.
He Replied yes. it is worth it, I challenge you to finish this drugs within fixed time then get back he said.
I wasn’t with amount up to 80,000 naira with me but I was ready to pay in fact anything that will safe me from years of pains. Surprisingly, Dr Ali said to me, Mr Umoh do not worry about the money because it came to me as a challenge to help you. I was short of words but I still insisted on paying even when I didn’t see the content in the sealed envelope.
Dr Ali threatens to take back the package if I insist on paying him immediately.
These where his last words to me “Mr Umoh please come back with payment once you are done taking this medications and you must come back with empty packs to prove to me that you did finish it, go now!
This is what I found in the envelope when I got home


Treats colitis and lower cholesterol

Treats kidney stones Combat antibiotics - resistance

Contains good bacteria and strengthens patients with

stomach and colon cancer

Fights bacteria that cause ulcers

Natural probiotic broad spectrum Strong immune booster with vitamin K, Bb, B12

Promotes health digestive system *Promotes vaginal health and fights candida

Promotes health skin *Reduces over use of antibiotics as it contains good bacteria

Health Benefits of AntiDiarr for Diarrhea

1. Anti bacteria effect in digestive system
2. Relieve stomach pain
3. Effectively control acute diarrhea diseases.
4. Reduce gastrointestinal dysfunction symphony such as difficult abdominal distention,
loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting.
5. Inhibit intestinal pathogens such as shigella bacteria and shigella
6. Inhibit intestinal hyperactivity to control diarrhea.
7. Regulate gastrointestinal function and reduce abdominal pain, bowel,
loss of appetite, nausea and vomitmg.
8. Normalize bowel movement, balance bacteria in digestive system and
confer benefits on human health and beauty.
9. It regulates micro-ecological balance and by so safeguard digestive
10. Good for peptic Duodenal and Gastric ulcers
11. Good for food poisoning

Here Below are The Cost Analysis For You To Place Your Order At A Huge Discounted Price



KENYA: 13,500




Nigeria 38,500naira


Please Note, 





 1. If you know that you are not ready to receive the medication when it's time for your delivery, please don't fill the order request form. 

2. If your money won't be complete enough to purchase the medication on your desire date of Delivery, please don't fill the order form.

Use the form below

 to place your order

Testimony 1;  I went for an endoscopy on 20th of Dec 2017, and was told that everything was ok and that there was no sign of the ulcer. I was very pleased with the good news so I would like to say a very big thank you to you and your discovery MEBO GI capsules”, i would highly recommend it. Yours Gratefully And once again a big THANK YOU,
Olasupo From Oyo state.

Testimony 2;  “I wish I can express my heart, Just a whole lot of thanks for introducing me to this Capsule. It worked magic for my husband who suffers for diabetes for years, and all I can say is that I am now a total believer in anything natural. God bless!”  Mrs. Akos Ghana
Testimony 3; “I have been suffering from ulcer since I was a 4yrs old. After hearing about your product from my colleagues, I was a bit skeptical, but eager to try it at the same time. 4 weeks using the package as you recommended, my ulcer vanished. Thanks a lot. You saved a life!”
Engr. Rube zambia.
Testimony 4; I thought my Doctor was helping before I found GI capsules, My Dr told me that my ulcer is beyoung drugs except I go for surgery but thank God I gave GI capsules a try, My Ulcer just confirmed totally healed.
I can’t thank you enough for this great discovery. Peter Meshack .kenya
Testimony 5; “I want to recommend this GI capsule for anyone that wants to free themselves from Ulcer, diabetes and Toothache. I tried just about every treatment out there, but it only got more expensive and potentially dangerous on the long run. Fortunately, after giving a try to this modest product, my ulcer symptoms vanished, and it’s been over 5 months that it has not returned” I bought for my mum I hope to hear good news soon. Mallam Isa Nuhu. Cameroon.

Testimony 6; My Wife nearly stopped me from purchasing this drugs due to high cost and she didn’t trust if you were real but I took the risk, today I am happy I need she even recommending to people in her office. Oga Umoh Na God go bless you for sharing this with us.  Hope favor Uganda
Testimony 7; This was my first time purchasing from a total stranger since I came to Nigeria as a contractor, I tried different remedies to cure my ulcer in my country but there all failed me. GI Capsule cured me with no scars. Thank you for recommending. Alexander scof, Germany
Knowledge is power! Well done for reading up to this point. The most important step however begins now because information is only of value if you act on it. I look forward to hear Our Ulcer Care Pack success story from you. Start fortifying your prostate gland and it will reward you with sound health.

Sincerely Yours
Men's Health Researcher

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