Ulcer Solution

• BALANCE– Balance acid and alkaline levels in your digestive system while enhancing immunity – remember Ulcer is as a result high acidity in the intestine.

• INCREASES BLOOD COUNT-Assist in the red blood cells generation to ensure sufficient oxygen and nutrients for cell renewal-it speed up the repair of dead cells on walls of your intestine.

• GUT HEALTH-improves gastrointestinal

and digestive health. Enhances the natural Cleansing and detoxification mechanism.

• IMMUNE SYSTEM-Effectively boosts your immune system to fight infection or re infection, this helps in stopping the ulcer from coming back.

• ANTIBACTERIAL PROPERTIES-it is highly effective against any type of bacteria especially the helicobacter pylori…the bacteria causing ulcers.

• HEALING BENEFIT – it helps with the sore and internal wound created in the esophagus, stomach, and intestine.

• ENERGY PRODUCTION– Energizes your body by boosting metabolism to aid in repairing blood vessels and connective tissues.

An ulcer is a painful sore that is slow to heal and sometimes recurs. Ulcers aren’t uncommon. Why they appear and their corresponding symptoms typically depend on their underlying causes.

Ulcers can appear anywhere in or on your body, from the lining in your stomach to the outer layer of your skin.

Sometimes ulcers disappear on their own. Other times they require medical treatment to prevent serious complications.

Stomach ulcers happen when there’s damage to the layer that protects the stomach lining from the acids in your stomach.

Stomach ulcers can affect anyone but are more common in people aged 60 or over. Men are more affected than women.

Peptic ulcers are sores or wounds that can develop on:

  • the inside lining of your stomach
  • the upper portion of your small intestine
  • your esophagus

They form when digestive juices damage the walls of your stomach or intestine. These ulcers are quite common.

Peptic ulcers are most often caused by inflammation after contracting Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria or through long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

There are two types of peptic ulcers:

  • gastric ulcers, or ulcers that develop in the stomach lining
  • duodenal ulcers, or ulcers that develop in the duodenum (small intestine)

The most common symptom of this condition is a burning sensation. Other symptoms may include:

  • bloating or the feeling of being full
  • belching
  • heartburn
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • unexplained weight loss
  • chest pain

The most common symptom of a peptic ulcer is stomach pain. Often, the pain starts in the center of your stomach and can travel up to your throat or seemingly down your back. This pain can last for a few minutes to a few hours and is usually only temporarily eased by antacids.

You may also feel ill if you have a stomach ulcer and may lose weight.

Serious complications of peptic ulcers include:

  • vomiting blood
  • passing dark, tarry stools
  • a sudden, sharp pain in your stomach that only gets worse, not better

There is no difference between stomach ulcer symptoms in men versus stomach ulcer symptoms in women; however, men are typically more predisposed to developing these types of ulcers, according to the National Health Service (NHS).

Most ulcers, no matter where they are on the body, are caused by underlying issues. Therefore, the answer to “do ulcers go away?” is directly related to how effective the treatment is for the underlying health issue.

The length of time it takes for your ulcer to heal depends on the type, as well as the severity of the ulcer itself.

For many peptic ulcers, the healing time is around a month or so with treatment.

Get rid of your ulcer 100% naturally. Say goodbye to a painful and sleepless night, a day of bad appetite, unexplainable weight loss, annoying Nausea, and Vomiting for good!  Boost your confidence and self-esteem in school, home and office – you will no longer be the center for pity Stop having to spend tons of cash you should have used for something else on buying expensive antibacterial and pain killer drugs that never seem to work. Introduced probiotics and prebiotic for your overall wellbeing.


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