You Can't Afford To Miss This...

Finally, Everything You Need To Know To Permanently Get Rid Of FIBROID Totally...!"

And Why You Need To Read This Important
Letter Now If You Have Been Struggling And Paying
Heavy Medical Surgery Bills!

Dear Struggling Fibroid Patient,

First off, I'm aware of what you are going through right now, as I have experience of a neighbour who had the problem of fibroid to the extent she had to allow herself to the pains of surgery.

Unfortunately for her, the first surgery she did resulted to another fibroid growth. She had to go for a second surgery.

After the second surgery, she breathed a sigh of relief...

When she went to see her doctor almost 24 months after the second surgery to check if she is pregnant, she was told, that the fibroid growth had re-surfaced a 3rd time.

She was frustrated, angry, and so disappointed that she promised herself NEVER to go for a 3rd surgery.

She wondered to herself...

"Will I continue to spend hundreds of thousands of Naira nearly every year for surgery?"

She promised to find a natural solution to her infertility problems, and that is exactly what she did.

Right now, I don’t want that same thing to happen to you my dear fibroid patient.
 Repeated Twice…
Mistakes Should Not Be

I understand the different series of tests that persons suffering from fibroid go through and the different checkups with different doctors that can make a fibroid patient embarrassed of herself because you are now at the mercy of the doctors at the hospital giving what you are going through…

I understand that you have been spending a great deal of money on different medications that you have been using and despite all of that, you still get to have those protruding stomachs and frequent gush of bleeding that occurs at abnormal times of the day.

And I know that you desperately need a solution to this problem immediately as the pains can sometimes be too much for some fibroid patients.

At times, you may feel so worried that you think this illness may shorten your own lifespan...

Trust Me, I Understand, The Same Way
I Witnessed The Suffering My Neighbour Went Through Before She Finally Found Something That Worked!

You see, I have been publishing health newsletters for over 5 years now, and one of the most repeating questions I get from my over 50,000 subscribers is, "What is the exact cause of fibroid in women, and what can be done about it?"

If you need the answers to the exact cause of Fibroid and what you can do about it, I recently wrote an article about it titled: The Truth About Fibroid!, you can click on it to read the full details on my health blog.

The article above is the truth about fibroid, and the reality is, every doctor will always recommend you go for surgery to cut out the fibroid.

Cutting out fibroid from the system is never the solution to the problem because few months after the surgery, experience has shown, that these operated patients grow them all back.

If you find out the real cause of a problem, and attack it from the root cause, that problem will never cause you pain again. It will be solved forever.

Fibroid And This Actually Works…
You Can Now Finally Get Rid Of

According to a medical report, 5 In 6 women in
Africa has fibroid between the age of 30-50 years


And even more so, some unmarried ladies below
the age of 30
 are starting to develop tumours in
their body. These are young ladies who do not
yet have children of their own

I met with one few months back while going to the hospital with my wife.

Is any of this common to you…?

  • Do you experiencing pains during sex.

  • Frequent painful urination.

  • Heavy menstrual period.

  • Abdominal swelling…

  • Gush Of blood as though water is coming out from the tap.

  • Then you need to take this serious…

The last option of getting treated with fibroid is usually surgery which also means that there is a chance the womb maybe affected.

But aside that, there is also an expensive surgery in terms of the money that you will spend.

Which you could easily have avoided?

Are You Ready To Go Through The Rigors of Unreliable and Very Expensive Surgery?

Here is an excerpt from a lady who had this same issue:

"Sister Cathy, a 34 year old woman was diagnosed of fibroid in 2002. She was still a virgin. She went to a Catholic rural hospital where she was operated. The operation was said to be faulty, and she went for another one. Months after removing the fibroid, she realized her uterus was gradually pushing out from her vagina. She said she is more confused by her complicated case because her friends linked the development of the fibroids to her virginity. She was advised that the moment she starts having sex, she will be free. Where that fails, she will have to go for a hysterectomy (removal of uterus), meaning that she will not have a baby in her life."

 Now all this would have been avoided if she had found this new solution that helps you get rid of fibroid within months, remove all the pains that you have been going through, flush out all the tumours and cyst growth that is forming in your uterine area.

Here's another one...

"I Wore Diapers Everywhere Because I Was Bleeding Twice Every Month..." -Charity


"My name is Charity Gift Stephen.

Before I came in contact with this products, I had been diagnosed with fibroids/ovarian cyst on 15th of February 2010.

It was a terrible experience for me because I had to visit hospital twice a week for treatment. I went through several tests and also minor operation procedures.

The doctor even took some tissues from my womb lining for more tests.

I was bleeding twice monthly with severe pains and I had to wear diapers everywhere. Whenever I was bleeding I usually experience paralysis from my waist to my legs.

I had bled for a month non-stop before.

As time went on, I was scheduled for a major surgery on 19th of May 2011.

I could no longer wear white which is my best colour because of my excessive bleeding, I started wearing dark colours. This went on for 2 years till I met a friend who recommended these products to me.

Lo and behold! I started having a normal pain-free periods after taking the health supplements which eventually helped me to push out the fibroids.

I have gone for several tests and scan since then and the doctors could not find the fibroid/cyst.

I have been touched by this amazing product".

-Charity Gift Stephen.

Here's still another one...

Client Testimonial:

"The fibroid had decreased in size to 2.1cm. I had consulted my doctor and cancelled the surgery... I managed to completely eliminate the fibroid along with the pain and anxiety that this condition had inflicted on me"

"Four months ago, I was scheduled for an operation to remove a fairly large fibroid (approx. 7 cm), which had caused me a great deal of pelvic pain and pressure on my bladder. The doctor insisted that there was no other choice but to go under the knife and I had reluctantly agreed. It was approx. 2 months prior to the surgery when somebody referred my husband to your website. With the help of my loving husband, I started the Fibroids remover program and 4 weeks later I was scheduled for an ultrasound check: it was shocking. The fibroid had decreased in size to 2.1cm and now am completely free of the terrible pain. Thanks for your guidance.

Here's yet another one...

Client Testimonial:

"It was a true miracle that by the 4th week all my pain was gone including all the symptoms that came with it and guess what? Last Tuesday I went for another ultrasound and it was confirmed that
I no longer have fibroids"

"Before I came across your link on facebook, I was diagnosed with one small but very painful fibroid which turned my days and nights into a living hell. I had also suffered from Dysmenorrhea for almost a year and the pelvic pain which accompanied my condition was terrible! It was unbearable to say the least and since the fibroid did not grow by much from ultrasound to ultrasound, my doctor had advised I should try to live with it...HOW? I feel so blessed that I came across your website and discover this secret. It was a true miracle that by the 4th week all my pain was gone including all the symptoms that came with it and guess what? Last Tuesday I went for another ultrasound and it was confirmed that I no longer have fibroids. I was shocked. I am already pinging some of my friends that have this issue. Thanks for everything



And finally set you free and get you to enjoy your life the way you want



"Fibroid Care Pack"

Will This Really Work For Me?

 Hear What Some of Our Users Have to Say...


The products has the prestigious Kosher Seal (which makes it acceptable to the Jews. The Jews don’t take anything that isn’t 100% natural. Infact, they don’t even take bread with yeast! They believe in no additives.

as well. (These are Seals of highest form of purity including Such as  federal drug agencies(FDA). Halal and Islamic seals It has other seals including the

has actually helped a lot of people to get rid of the fibroid in their system Fibroid care packAnd the best part is that, just making use of this .


Image result for MADE IN USA

Okay, I'm Ready to Get This Fibroid Care Pack. How Much Does It Cost to Get It
Sent to Me? 

Here is what's inside the Pack;

Health Benefits Of Refind Yunzhi Essence

  *Enhance immunity system
  *Improve energy and vitality
  *Enhance appetite and reduce illness
  * Increase the white blood cell and lymphocytes
  *Reduce chemotherapy side effect
  *Reduce pain during episode of serious immune challenge
  *Strong cancer treatment
  *Due to polysaccharide enhances cells growth
  *Good for malignant melanoma, metastatic cerebroma lung carcinoma, malignant lymphoma,
  leukemia, esophagus carcinoma, mammary carcinoma and uterus carcinoma etc. more than 40 cancers.
  *Raises female libido and enhance orgasm
  *It is an anri-dysmenorrheal - cleanses and avoids painful or difficult menstruation.
  *Strengthens the blood vessels
  *It is a post partum medication to help contract the birth canal
  *Regulates menstrual cycle
  * Improves blood circulation
  *Relieves excessive white discharge
  * Very good for candiasis
  *It fights hormonal imbalance thus very good for
  menopausal syndromes
  *Good for dizziness
  *Regulates body temperatures
  *Prevents and cure gynecological problems
   e.g. fibroids cysts etc
  *Multiplies white blood cells 

hEALTH BENEFITS OF PURE & Broken Ganoderma Spores

• Its 100% shell broken.

Helps balance cholesterol. • Boosts immune system and raise appetite.
• Sustains the healthy function of
the liver and unclogs arteries. • Anti-tumor and is good for fibroid.
• Improves blood circulation in the coronary artery.
• It slows down metastasis (spread of cancer).
• Helps balance blood sugar and pancreatic function.
• Helps protect against skin cell degeneration.
• Helps eliminate toxins from the body.
• Helps increase metabolism, fights
and inhibits free radicals. • Helps to improve sexual function.
• Helps to reduce fatique and to improve sleep.
• Helps to improve the digestive system.
Rejuvenates and helps to oxygenate the body. • Effectively helps in the healing of
skin wounds, scrapes psoriasis, mouth ulcer external blooding, bug bites and stings. 


  1. Increase immunity
  2. Improve the conditions to the lung spleen, Kidney, heart and  liver
  3. Anti-aging
  4. Delaying senility
  5. Improve mental alertness
  6. Reduce arousal and thus improve mental alertness
  7. Regulates reproductive function
  8. Regulates respiratory system
  9. Enhance the strength of the body energy factory- chodrosome
  10. Promote cold resistant capability and alleviate fatigue
  11. Improve hypoxia- resistant capability of heart
  12. Lower heart oxygen consumption thus prevents cardiac

This fibroid pack of herbal supplements will help you to get rid of fibroid within the next few months.

Inside the pack are different natural supplements that will help you to get back your life to a normal individual free from fibroid.

Everyone needs to live a healthy life.

NOTE: "FIBROID REMOVER PACK " is a marketing name only. Every single components mentioned above are packed inside the DELIVERY box and hence, if you do not see FIBROID REMOVER PACK written on the pack, please don’t be afraid.

And the best part is that, just making use of this Fibroid Remover Pack has helped a lot of people to get rid of their Fibroids.

How Fibroid Remover Supplements Worrks

1. Increase Circulation, Reduce Pain, Manage Heavy Menstrual Flow: 

Fibrofit works by going to the source of the problem, helping to reduce excess estrogen that fuels abnormal Fibroid growths, and stimulating liver activity for improved estrogen metabolism.
It is my desire to help stop Fibroid patients from spending ridiculous amount of money on risky surgeries and other short-term treatments that doesn't last and help them get Fibroid Remover Pack at a discount price.
Each dosage of the content you take will help to shrink and reduce the Fibroid size till you achieve total elimination. This is the best way to treat Fibroid as this ensures that Fibroid never re-grows again.

When your hormones are balanced, your fertility will automatically improve and conception can take place. Hormone balancing plays a very important role in getting rid of Fibroids.
4. Hormone Balancing and Fertility Boosting: 
Fibrofit will help you reawaken your immune system and give your body the capacity to fight against all forms of infections and foreign bodies within your body system. This will make it difficult for Fibroid to still remain in you.
Fibrofit work with your body’s natural detoxification processes to clear congested foreign tissues such as the Fibroid tissues, while simultaneously helping to prevent new growths from developing. Fibrofit will help you get rid of all unwanted toxic waste lodging in your blood and body. Your reproductive organs will come back to live.

2. Detoxification:

3. Immune Boosting:

5. Anti-tumour, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Fungal And Anti-Viral

Fibrofit contains products that will inhibit tumour growth in your system and help you get rid of all forms of bacterial, fungal or viral infections.

6. Fibroids Elimination: 

Okay, Am ready to get this Fibroid Remover Pack. How much does it cost to get it sent to my House Address Because Am A Busy woman?

No matter the amount of money that you spend, it cannot replace having a very good health where you can do all that you want freely knowing that you are perfectly safe and healthy. That’s why some can spend over $1,000 on surgeries just to have such.

Here is all you need to get your own Fibroid Remover Pack Delivered to you.

This offer is valid for the next 5 days before the price goes back up.
So you can simply place your order for one today by following the payment instruction below:


Fibroid Care Pack
MINI-COMBO [1 Month Pack]
Fibroid Care Pack 2
Highly Recommended For Complete Therapy
Indicate your preferred package while submitting your order request from



NIGERIA. #49,500

KENYA: 16,000K







1. If you know that you are not ready to receive the medication when it's time for your delivery, please don't fill the order request form. 

2. We only process order placed to be delivered within 25days so Make sure your delivery date is within 25days

3.Your percel will be processed and delivered through our agent located in each country above.



>We Pride Ourselves In Confidentiality Which Is Why You Need To Supply the information above To Place Your Order Now. 

Take advantage of this Special Offer through our Pay on Delivery Service. Once you send order request, you have signified that you want the products to be delivered to you. You will receive an SMS to confirm your Order.

NOTE: Pls Kindly respond to any SMS you receive, else We Will Not Deliver To You.

We understand the importance of PRIVACY. We will package this product very well and no-one else but you will understand what this package is all about

3 Reasons why you have to get your Fibroid Removal Therapy!
I will personally coach you step by step on how to get effective result when using the products pack through my Educative Email Series.
A unique Products Usage Guide will be sent to you after product purchase.
24hrs Support System will also be Provided.

Men's & Women's Health Researcher


It is better to ask question than to remain ignorant. Therefore, do you have any question to ask or an enquiry to make? If yes, get in touch with me through any of the routes below!


A Quick Disclaimer
"Fibroid Removal Pack" is use as a marketing names only. Every single components mentioned above are natural supplements produced by BF SUMA,Los Angeles, USA.